Tuesday, February 2, 2010

my favorite feeling {ever}

I think I'm really going to miss being pregnant. Despite all the times I complain to Steve about how I can hardly walk across the room w/o tearing up because I'm in so much pain, or that at any moment, I could possibly pee in my pants because I've been kicked in just the right spot I really truly will miss it.

I love the feeling of Elliot moving around inside of me. It is my favorite feeling ever. Just knowing that I'm the one who gets to carry our children is really such a huge blessing. The aches, pains and sleepless nights are worth it. I wouldn't let Steve carry him if I could. This is such a special time for me. I know at the beginning it was hard for Steve to bond w/ Elliot since he couldn't feel him moving around at all. But since he's started to feel kicks and see him moving from the outside, I know he's just as excited and just as in love with him as I am.

We are DYING to meet him. We talk about it almost every day. What will he look like? Whose nose will he have? Will he have big ears like Steve? {I think so!} Will he have my lips or my toes? Steve always seems to lean towards Elliot looking JUST like him. As much as I get annoyed that he's always saying, "Oh, he'll look like this because I did when I was a baby." I secretly hope he looks just like his daddy. Afterall, he's the most handsome man I know. I hope he has Steve's lips, nose, ears, toes, dark hair, and olive complexion...and my chubby cheeks. : ) I think that'd make for a pretty adorable little guy.

Well, I just got back from my dr's appointment. Apparently, I've lost 2 lbs, bringing my total down to 15 lbs gained so far. I think I lost some water weight from last time. I was pretty swollen for a while, but that seems to have gone down some. Hooray! :)

Now, I just need to lay off the trail mix.

1 comment:

  1. i think i will miss it too sometimes- the fact that once shes here and i can hold her and kiss her sweet little face excites me but i know there will be LOTS of other people kissing and holding her too- for the next few weeks im just going to soak up all the movement and the fact that no one can take her from me at this moment!! =)
