Sunday, July 18, 2010


i have been inspired by my dear friend jenn to update my blog and give it a face lift.

i really enjoy blogging, but as you might imagine, i have been pretty busy the last 4 months getting adjusted to my new life as a stay at home mom.

so many things have changed in my life lately, but the biggest change as been the birth of my amazing little boy, elliot hawkins.

elliot was born march 23, 2010 at 7:10 p.m. it was the best day of my life. the memory of what used to be my life before elliot came along is slowly fading. friday nights now consist of changing diapers, bath time, reading the cat in the hat, being in my pajamas, snuggling with my little guy and being asleep by 10:30. a couple years ago was a totally different story. i would get dressed up, go downtown around 9:00 p.m. and stay out until last call, come home pretty sauced, and sleep in on saturday until my hangover wore off.

being a stay at home mom isn't exactly what i dreamed it would be, but it is such a blessing. i can't imagine being at work every day. i would go absolutely crazy. maybe if i had loved what i did before elliot was born, it might be a different story. but the fact of the matter is, i hated working. i wasn't passionate about my job in any way, shape or form. all i ever wanted to do was be a stay at home mom. i am so blessed that god has given me a husband who is able to provide for our family and allow me to live my dream. : )

i wouldn't trade my new life for anything. i love being at home with elliot and watching the world unfold before his eyes. he truly is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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