Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One More Week

One more week {from tomorrow} until we find out what we're going to have.

I personally think it's a boy. However, I know my bestie, Jenn, thinks it's going to be a girl. We have a $5 bet going on...and I'm pretty sure she's going to lose. :) I think most of the women I work w/ think that I'm having a girl as well...which don't get me wrong, that's what I would pick if I could, however, I just have this nagging feeling that it's going to be a boy.

Everything is finally starting to sink in. I'm going to be a mom. OH.MY.GOSH. Am I cut out for this? Will I be able to take care of a baby that's sobbing it's eyes out? Can I figure out how to make it stop crying? Will I be able to keep my sanity? Or shower? Or keep the house clean? Or pay attention to my sweet baby girl, Izzy?! There are a lot of questions and concerns I have. I guess the only thing I can do is just trust God that I'll make it though.

Tonight I went on a walk w/ my really great friends, Lauren Oakley & Kate Lunn. We did a great walk around my neighborhood. We walked for probably about 45 mins. I feel so wonderful after working out, but sometimes it's just hard to get myself motivated, especially after a long day at work. After my nice long walk, I ate Chipotle and had Baskin Robins for dinner. : / Whoops!

So, I think I'm at my favorite part of pregnancy so far. I'm starting to feel Beans move around A LOT! It's so crazy. Most of the time, it's during the day and it just feels like a little ball rubbing against my stomach. I absolutely love it. Another new development is I am able to actually feel where Beanie's body is now. I know this sounds weird, but mainly after I go pee I really start feeling it. Like there's more room for it, so it readjusts! Haha! My stomach gets really hard in a particular spot, and I'm assuming that's where my little baby is! It's so neat! I just love it! I can't wait until I start feeling some crazy kicks!

JENN AND KATHY ARE COMING INTO TOWN THIS WEEKEND! I'm soooooooooo excited! I can't wait! : ) I love them both soooooo much!!!!

Well, sadly, it's 8:30, and I'm gonna head off to brush my teeth and hit the sack. This momma is worn out!

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