I can't wait for fall to arrive. It's my favorite time of the year. I love the smells, the crispness in the air, wearing sweaters & boots, and the fact that is means Christmas is just that much closer. It's just such a cozy time and it will always be my favorite season.
As fall/winter are approaching, I can't help but get really excited for these new seasons to arrive. They will be Elliot's first fall and winter with us outside of my belly. It's hard to believe that just a year ago, I was just barely pregnant and now I have a 5 month old. Time really does fly.
I am so excited about starting family traditions and have been thinking of the perfect ones for us ever since I found out I was pregnant. {I'm probably the biggest planner I know. It's kind of an illness}.
I am definitely a lot more sentimental now that I have a baby. Everything we do I want to document it by taking pictures or video. I don't know how many little silly videos I have of him just smiling or laughing. It never gets old. If I could, I'd document every single one of them, but unfortunately, it's not possible. I have realized that almost every night while he is asleep in his crib, I take a picture of him. I don't think I've ever been a bigger creepster in my lifetime. But honestly, I have never seen anything more beautiful than my sweet little boy's face while he is sleeping. {I'm getting teary just thinking about it...and also trying to resist the urge to go take a peek at him}.
Anyway, I got off on a major rabbit trail there....
Back to me being sentimental & how I want to start family traditions. I want to make everything special for Elliot. When he is an adult & starting his own family, I want him to look back on his childhood and say, "I had the best childhood ever. My parents really went above and beyond to make everything so special for me." I want him to remember carving pumpkins at Halloween or making cookies for Santa and reading "The Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve while snuggled in bed w/ his Daddy & I. I just can't wait.
I fall more and more in love with him every single day. It's amazing how much love one heart can hold. Just when you think you can't love someone anymore than you already do, your heart finds a way to grow just a little bit more.
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