this face melts me every time. i have never experienced such a fierce love before elliot came into my world. of course i love steve and would do anything in the world for him. but there is just something completely different about the love you have for your child. i would go above & beyond to make my little guy happy.
my mom had always told me that when i was growing up, she happily went without clothes & other things she could've used because she always wanted o buy me things. she didn't see her wants as important as mine. she told me that once i had a baby i would understand.
i never thought i would understand since i am someone who enjoys shopping and the finer things in life. if i found something i loved, i would find a way to get it, no matter if i had to save up 5 months for it or talking steve into letting me put it on the credit card (which is a pretty big no-no in our family) but i now find myself making a b line towards the baby section in whatever store i'm in to find something to buy for elliot. i enjoy buying things for him. i would much rather buy him something now instead of myself.
i no longer see my wants as important. it's amazing how motherhood can change you.
Found you!! Your new blog layout looks ultra fabulous!!