We found out at our November 5th appt that we are going to be welcoming a little boy!
It seems soooooo strange to picture myself as a boy mom, but God knows what He's doing. : )
When the ultrasound tech told us, I thought to myself "Duh I could've told ya that!" Steve was ECSTATIC! He did a few fist pumps and just laughed! He was so excited....and I think even a few days later, he's still over the moon about getting his little man.
The ultrasound was great. It was so fun to lay there and watch Beans move all around. He was sooo active that it took the technician a while to get his measurements, so it took about an hour and a half for the ultrasound, which was fine by me! It was weird seeing him and feeling him move at the same time. Now I know for sure that I've been feeling movements. I don't have to second guess them anymore!
We got to hear his heart beat, which is still one of my favorite sounds. It was 154 beats per minute. Last time, at 10 weeks, it was 177. The tech said that as they get bigger, their heart beat slows down to a more steady rate. She was happy w/ 154 and kept saying he "has a beautiful heart." She said that multiple times, and every time she said it, I thought, although I am glad that physically he has a beautiful heart, but I hope that he will have a beautiful heart in general. I hope he grows up as a honorable, kind, caring, man with integrity.
It's amazing how much you can want so much for this little person who doesn't even weigh a pound yet. (By the way, he weighs 13 oz). I want him to be able to have every luxury and every advantage in life. I am going to do every thing I can as his mom to give him that. That's the least I can do for him.
After our ultrasound, I went to visit w/ my doctor. I got weighed and blood pressure taken. Every thing seemed okay. Since my last appointment, I'd only gained 2 more pounds, bringing my grand total weight gain up to 8 lbs at 21 weeks.
Once we left the doctor, we ran to Target to each pick out an outfit.
Here's the outfit I picked out.
Here's the outfit Steve picked out.
Here's a picture of me & Betsy. Not so hot of me, but we realized we didn't have any belly pics together, so we had to take one!
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