Last night my mom & I went to the mall to look for some baby stuff. She had heard that Sears was having a sale on their maternity clothes, which they were, but they didn't have anything good.
So, off we went to Motherhood, Target, and JC Pennys. While we were at Pennys, we ran into a sale on some baby clothes. My mom, being the eternial optimist decides I'm going to have a girl and starts picking baby clothes off the rack. She told me she couldn't pass it up since they were on such a great sale. So, we ended up walking out of Pennys with $80 worth of baby girl clothes. Thankfully, they have a 90 day return policy & I should find out before then what I'm having. If I'm having a boy, she'll have plenty of time to return all the little girl clothes she bought. :)
I do have to admit, I think I'm having a boy, but seeing all those little girl clothes really made me want a girl even more now. I've always wanted a girl...3 girls in fact. For some reason I just think it would be fun to have 3 girls. I don't know why. That's just what I've always wanted...ever since I was little.
I ended up finding a maternity jean skirt which I figured would be a good purchase. I can wear it now with sandals, in the fall with my Topsiders, and in the winter with my Uggs. I should get some good use out of it.
I think I've made it to the point of morning sickness. Except for me, it's more like, afternoon until I got to bed sickness. I generally start feeling nautious after lunch & it continues until I go to bed. It comes in waves & let me tell's NOT FUN. I haven't thrown up yet, but some days I wish I could. I think it might make me feel better!
My next ultrasound is August 18th. I can't wait! I'll be 10 weeks along. I'm anxious to see how much Beans will have grown by then. It's amazing how fast they grow.
I took a picture of my belly last night. The sad thing is, none of it is baby. Since my torso is so freaking short and my uterus is growing, it's pushing all my organs up &, that's really what my belly is....organs. Great. Eventually, my lower belly (above my pubic bone) will start to poke out. That's currently where Beans is livin'. So, here's a pic.

Here's a picture that we got from the Ultrasound. I know it's kind of hard to make out, but that big thing that looks like an alien head is not Beans' head. I think it's the amniotic sac that Beans will eventually live in. Right now, he/she isn't connected to me by an umbilical cord just yet. They're still attached to my cervix, which is where implantation occurs. So, Beans is actually that little white smidge underneath the alien head looking thing. And if you can see, the brighter white spot on Beans is his/her heart! :)

You look adorable! You will be sooo glad that you started this blog so that you can look back at certain points of your pregnancy and remember all of the emotions you were having!! How fun!