We have had quite a busy summer!
So far, I've been to Chicago to celebrate my friend Suzy's bachelorette party and this past weekend, went to Michigan to watch her get married! She was honestly the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. I cried the second I saw her in her dress, and kept crying a lot throughout the night...
Steve & I have another set of bachelor/bachelorette parties to go to in August. He'll be going to Vegas & I'll be going to St. Louis. Then the weekend after those parties, we have the actual wedding in St. Louis, which we are both a part of.
Not to mention, the last weekend in August, we'll be going to the Lake of the Ozarks with Steve's family for a little family vacation.
I'm tired just thinking about all of the traveling we're doing!
Elliot is growing up so fast. Every day is something new and different. He's always keeping me on my toes. Over the past two weeks he's started saying some new things.
Phone - "Fo"
Hello - "Ho?"
(This is making him sound really ghetto, but I swear he's not!)
Cheese Please! - "Pea pea!"
And just tonight he's started saying "Hawk" which is what we sometimes call him since his middle name is Hawkins. He says it with quite the German gutteral accent. It's pretty cute. He can't say Elliot just yet. Guess those double L's are the pits.
Also, Elliot is learning how to put his Crocs on all by himself. I'd say 45% of the time, he actually puts them on the right foot. We're working on it.
In other news, not quite so exciting perhaps to anyone but me, I just ordered this little beauty....

My new & very stylish friend Emilie Tromp has one, and I fell in love the second I saw it! So, I snatched one up for myself! It'll be so great not to carry a huge purse around sometimes. Or I can just to throw it in the diaper bag & off I go! It's big enough to fit all my essentials! Hooray!
I'll leave you with a picture of my amazingly adorable son. He's so cute it should be a crime!