Sorry it's been soooo long. I just haven't felt up to Blogging. I've mainly felt up to doing nothing except laying on the couch & eating.
Well, I'm 32 weeks and will be 33 weeks on Monday. It's hard to believe I'll have a little less than a month left until my sweet little boy is here! I'm DYING to meet him! :)
I'm anxious to meet him and see who he looks like, me or Steve. My guess is he's going to look a lot like Steve. I'm hoping he's got tons of dark hair and I hope he has Steve's skin tone. Most of all, I just hope he's cute!
Since I've last written, my stomach has DEFINITELY grown and I've been experiencing a lot of aches and pains. My hips & ligaments are stretching out in preparation for delivery. This is making me waddle sometimes. So, I officially feel pregnant now that I've got the waddle going on.
Beans is a VERY active little boy. I've really enjoyed watching my stomach bounce around. It's so fun to lay there, watch it move, and imagine what they're doing inside! Lately, I've been feeling more fluid movements instead of kicks. I think he's starting to run out of room in there, so his movements are sometimes slower, and I think I'm starting to be able to tell what is what.
I got my first kick in the ribs yesterday. It was the most excruciating pain I've ever been in. He kicked me so hard that I felt like I was going to throw up from the pain! : / He's really taking a liking to my ribs these days. I feel really full all the time but yet, starving at the same time. I can only eat little portions since he's taking up so much room. I can't wait for him to drop. I hear you get your ability to eat back once they've dropped.
I've ordered a few things from Etsy for Elliot. I ordered a couple personalized blankets & a personalized Boppy cover. I haven't gotten them in the mail yet, but when I do, I'll post pictures. I also need to post an update of belly pics. Maybe that'll be my weekend project! : )